3/23/23: Residents, please note that the pool registration form was accidentally omitted from the recent newsletter.
A copy of the form is being mailed with the annual meeting notice. Also, you can download the form by clicking here.
Online Payment Option
Payment via TownSq is available! Please click the link and follow the prompts to register your TownSq account. If you have already registered, please click the link and login as usual.
A Note About Timely Payment Of Assessment Fees
The time for 2021 assessment fees is upon us, so now is the time to make payments.
The well-being of a community is determined by its residents and their desire to keep their surroundings attractive and well-maintained. The Board of Directors do a great job of making sure our surroundings are kept up to par. The only resources for making needed repairs and updates are the assessments paid by all our homeowners. That’s why it is of the utmost importance that we all pay our dues in a timely manner.
As a reminder, each homeowner must be in good standing with the Association’s assessments. Each resident must also provide proof of residency in the form of a driver’s license, current lease or current utility bill in order to obtain pool tags.
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